Awesome Moment of Crowning: At the end of the Inquisitor's Class Quest, they are made a member of the Dark Council by the other members, who give them a Darth name based on their Light/Dark Side rating (Darth Nox if Dark Side, Darth Occlus if neutral and Darth Imperius if Light Sided). To return to the character page for Star Wars, go here. Fallen Jedi. Etymology. Ahsoka Tano. His task, like that of other inquisitors, was to search for and capture Force-sensitive children. * CharacterRerailment: Dooku's episodes are essentially devoted to restoring his deeper, nuanced characterization from '' [ [Franchise/StarWarsLegends Legends]]'' and bringing his more generically evil portrayal in . Second Sister. A project of mine, long planned. Count Dooku/Darth Tyranus. * AntiClimaxBoss: After an ''awesome'' buildup, the Inquisitor gets curb stomped in seconds by Ahsoka. At the start, when he's a Jedi serving the people, he's clean-shaven. Ninth Sister. Home to many immigrated species, Takobo had a large Ithorian population. Jedi Council: Yoda, Mace Windu, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Plo Koon, Depa Billaba, Yaddle. Hunters, one and all." A group of former Jedi trained in the Dark Side who are tasked with hunting down surviving Jedi and apprehending or recruiting Force-sensitive individuals. During the rise of the Empire, Adalric became one of the most notorious Imperial Inquisitors. ; Badass Baritone: The male Inquisitor has more of a Badass Tenor, but his voice is still deep enough to qualify. The word Sith was first used in the 1974 rough draft of Star Wars with the first published use being the 1976 novelization of Star Wars as a title for the key villain Darth Vader, the "Dark Lord of the Sith".Sith characters had also been portrayed as such in some Star Wars Legends works prior to the release of The Phantom Menace (the first film to identify characters as Sith on . We start off our list of strongest Inquisitors in Star Wars with Adalric Cessius Brandl. 2. The Inquisitors aren't Sith Lords in Star Wars despite being dark side Force users and Darth Vader's minions and the reason goes back to the Sith Order's convoluted rules. After the death of the Grand Inquisitor at the end of Rebels season one, the Seventh Sister was the main antagonist in season two of the Star Wars show. Making their live-action debut in the Obi-Wan Kenobi Disney+ series, Inquisitors were first introduced in Star Wars Rebels and went on to play pivotal roles in Jedi: Fallen Order and the Star Wars: Darth Vader: Dark Lord of . Adalric Cessius Brandl was a Force-sensitive human from Trulalis and the father of Jaalib Brandl. Lucasfilm. After the fall of the Jedi Order, he became an agent of the Imperial Inquisitor, where he received the code name Fifth Brother. Obi-Wan Kenobi. 1. In addition to kidnapping force-sensitive children, Palpatine kept a close eye on the . StarWarsTalesOfTheJedi. Star Wars is a complex franchise with hundreds if not thousands of contradictory storylines and retcons, but those minor issues pale in comparison to the multitude of rules that members of various groups and orders have . Which is admittedly par the course for Inquisitors across multiple shows, they are good against normal people and decent against half trained Padawan but usually don't stand a chance against full . In the latest TV spot for the upcoming series, Disney has shifted the focus from the two returning characters to Vader's team of Inquisitors, led by Moses Ingram 's Reva. Added DiffLines: * AntiClimaxBoss: After an ''awesome'' buildup, the Inquisitor gets curb stomped in seconds by Ahsoka. ----. Sixth Brother. Leadership. At the end, when he makes his final steps into Sithism and political violence, he has his trademark scraggly, sinister full beard. Anakin Skywalker. ** [[Characters/StarWarsJediCouncil Jedi Council]][[note]]Yoda, Mace Windu, Yaddle[[/note]] Star Wars canon has introduced several Imperial Inquisitors, evil fallen Jedi who, under the command of Darth Vader, searched to root out and destroy survivors of Order 66. "The Inquisitorius. Obi-Wan Kenobi, the long-awaited limited series that sets to connect the iconic Jedi's journey following the aftermath of Episode III: Revenge of the Sith leading up to Episode IV: A New Hope, re-introduces a faction of villains recognisable by the most loyal of Star War fans but perhaps are a new threat for more casual ones, the Inquisitors. In the middle, when he's growing increasingly disillusioned, he has a BeardOfSorrow but it's clean and well-groomed. In Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Grand Inquisitor is ordered to hunt down the titular Jedi Master (Ewan McGregor). 5. Slaves to the light side once, now awake. Tenth Brother. A deadly member of the Mirialan . Palpatine (Darth Sidious) was the one to begin the process of recruiting for the Inquisition. Sith Inquisitors were a class of powerful Force-wielders within the reconstituted Sith Empire, operating primarily within the upper echelons and political circles. In the new TV spot, which . Jedi Masters: Jocasta Nu, Tera Sinube, Qui-Gon Jinn. An Ithorian mother and her Force-sensitive child. Unidentified Inquisitor (Ahsoka Tano) Inquisitor. Seventh Sister. YMMV /. Fifth Brother. 30. Pypey becomes a target for the Imperial Inquisition's latest hunt, but thanks to intervention by the ''Ghost'' rebel cell, both she and her child manage to escape the Empire's grasp. An enemy of the Empire, the exiled Obi-Wan watches over a young Luke Skywalker (Grant Feely . The Jedi Order. Originally, only one Inquisitor, the leader of the faction, was dispatched to hunt down the Jedi on . The Fifth Brother was a male Jedi in the final decades of the Republic. The Inquisitorius was a group of Force-sensitives, individually known as Inquisitors and sometimes called "Red-blades" or dismissively "Mystics" by Imperial officers, who were recruited by the Galactic Empire to hunt down the Jedi who survived Order 66 and any other Force-sensitive children. In contrast to their counterparts, the Sith Warriors, Inquisitors specialized in Force abilities as opposed to martial might, and many would devote much time to researching new skills to survive in the cutthroat Sith political . Adalric Cessius Brandl. Characters in Tales of the Jedi.